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Theory Division organizes seminars by national and international speakers on a regular basis. The seminars are usually held on Mondays at 3:30 pm, and alternatively, on Thursdays if the corresponding Monday is not available. The seminars are of the following categories:

Saha Theory Seminar Series (STSS):
 Based on the recommendations from the divisional members, we invite speakers to present, typically an hour-long, seminars on their latest research work and interest. In addition to the talk, we encourage visitors to spend a few days to foster academic discussions and possible collaboration. The division covers all expenses including travel and local hospitalities for speakers invited under the STSS scheme. 
The STSS runs round the year, except for May-July (Summer) and December (Winter)

Theory Seminar:
 Theory division welcomes visitors who are interested in presenting their work at SINP. In this case, the interested visitor is requested to contact a member 
of the division with closely-related research interests. Interested speakers/visitors may also contact the seminar coordinator at: The corresponding seminar schedule, in this case, is flexible and subject to mutually convenient day and time. Occasionally, theory seminars are also presented by the institute members.

Special Theory Seminar:
 Theory division also makes every attempt to accommodate special cases, of significant academic interests, that may not be covered by the above, such as, though not limited to, inviting speakers who may already be visiting nearby academic organizations. In this case, the division covers local 
hospitalities during the visit. 

The seminar notifications of the division can also be accessible at

String theory Journal Clubs:


Last Updated on Thursday, 22 December 2022 13:14

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