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Graduate Students: Theory Division is always looking for bright young minds who wish to do Ph.D degrees. The students enter into the Ph.D program through the selection procedures followed by the institute. Please see the institute home page for the selection procedures and examinations. During the first year of the Ph.D program, the students do their course work that is related to their preferred research areas. They also do some basic core courses. In addition, the students also do research project(s) in search of a suitable research supervisor. At the end of the first year, the students may formally join Theory Division.
Postdoctoral Fellows: An application for a postdoctoral fellow can be made by a candidate who has already obtained a Ph.D degree in theoretical physics relevant to the research areas of the division. A candidate who has submitted his/her Ph.D thesis can also apply. Selections are done twice a year. Please send your email application SIMULTANEOUSLY to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  with the subject line "Applications for Positions of RA -2017". For details, look at the divisional home page, and/or "Job Opportunities" in the institute home page.
Faculties: Theory division is actively looking for faculties both at the level of junior and senior professors. But a formal application needs to be done through the job advertisement published in the institute home page. If you are interested to apply for a job in the Theory Division, you are always welcome to give a seminar at the division, and for that matter, please contact with the head of the division or any concerned faculty associated with the relevant research area.

There is a faculty position job available in the Theory Division with the deadline of 15th February, 2018.


Last Updated on Tuesday, 19 December 2017 12:13

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