Professor | ||
Room No | : | 460 |
Ext. | : | 2460 |
Email id | : | chandan.mazumdar[AT] |
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Papers in Journals 1. Title : Valence behavior of Eu-ions in intermetallic compound Ce0.5Eu0.5Pd3B0.5
Author(s) : Abhishek Pandey, Chandan Mazumdar , R Ranganathan, V. Raghavendra Reddy, Ajay Gupta.
Source : JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS Volume: 323 Issue: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2011.07.036 Pages: 3281-3284 Published: 2011
2. Title : Cluster glass behaviour in Co-substituted double perovskite Ca2FeMoO6
Author(s) : Asok Poddar, Chandan Mazumdar .
Source : MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN Volume: 46 Issue: 10.1016/j.materresbull.2011.01.023 Pages: 682-686 Published: 2011
3. Title : Spin glass-like behaviour in Fe-rich phases of Sr2Fe1-xMnxMoO6 (0.1 <= x <= 0.4)
Author(s) : Asok Poddar, Chandan Mazumdar .
Source : JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS Volume: 502 Issue: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2010.04.122 Pages: 13-15 Published: 2010
4. Title : Magnetism and transport studies in off-stoichiometric metallic perovskite compounds GdPd3Bx (x=0.25, 0.50 and 0.75)
Author(s) : Abhishek Pandey, Chandan Mazumdar , R Ranganathan.
Source : JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS Volume: 322 Issue: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2010.07.040 Pages: 3765-3770 Published: 2010
5. Title : Interplay between Co 3d and Ce 4f magnetism in CeCoAsO
Author(s) : Rajib Sarkar, Anton Jesche, Cornelius Krellner, Michael Baenitz, Cristoph Geibel, Chandan Mazumdar , Asok Poddar.
Source : PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 82 Issue: 10.1103/PhysRevB.82.054423 Pages: - Published: 2010
6. Title : Intermediate valency of Eu in a cubic intermetallic compound Ce0.5Eu0.5Pd3
Author(s) : Abhishek Pandey, Chandan Mazumdar , R Ranganathan, V. Raghavendra Reddy, Ajay Gupta.
Source : APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 94 Issue: 10.1063/1.3129190 Pages: - Published: 2009
7. Title : Observation of giant magnetoresistance and reversal of its sign upon boron filling in cubic TbPd3
Author(s) : Abhishek Pandey, Chandan Mazumdar , R Ranganathan.
Source : APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 94 Issue: 10.1063/1.3125251 Pages: - Published: 2009
8. Title : Effect of Pt on the superconducting and magnetic properties of ErNi2B2C
Author(s) : Chandan Mazumdar , L. C Gupta, K Nenkov, G Behr, G Fuchs.
Source : JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS Volume: 480 Issue: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2009.01.135 Pages: 190-192 Published: 2009
9. Title : Magnetic behavior of binary intermetallic compound YPd3
Author(s) : Abhishek Pandey, Chandan Mazumdar , R Ranganathan.
Source : JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS Volume: 476 Issue: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2008.09.040 Pages: 14-18 Published: 2009
10. Title : Magnetic frustration effect in Mn-rich Sr2Mn1-xFexMoO6 system
Author(s) : Asok Poddar, Chandan Mazumdar .
Source : JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Volume: 106 Issue: 10.1063/1.3253728 Pages: - Published: 2009