Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India
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Dr. Sangram Bagh, FRSC

Associate Professor
Room No : Phase IV(Off), 3122(Lab)
Ext. : 4625
Email id : sangram.bagh[AT]
Division :
Recent Journal Publications

1. Deepro Bonnerjee, Saswata Chakraborty,  Biyas Mukherjee, Ritwika Basu, Abhishek Paul, and Sangram Bagh* (2024) Multicellular artificial neural network-type architectures demonstrate computational problem solving. Nature Chemical Biology (2024).

(This work has been featured in New Scientist ( ,  Physics World (, and in many National and International media in various languages)

Rajkamal Srivastava and Sangram Bagh* (2023) , A Logically Reversible Double Feynman Gate with Molecular Engineered Bacteria Arranged in an Artificial Neural Network-Type Architecture, ACS Synthetic Biology2023, 12, 1, 51–60 (Front Cover Page Article)   (This work is featured as news in Communications of the ACM,

3. Rajkamal Srivastava, Kathakali Sarkar, Deepro Bonnerjee, and Sangram Bagh* (2022) Synthetic Genetic Reversible Feynman Gate in a Single E. coli Cell and Its Application in Bacterial to Mammalian Cell Information Transfer, ACS Synthetic Biology,    This work is highlighted in Nature India (

  4. Kathakali Sarka,   Deepro Bonnerjee,   Rajkamal Srivastava  and  Sangram Bagh *  (2021) A single layer artificial neural network type architecture with molecular engineered bacteria for reversible and irreversible computing, Chem. Sci., 2021,12, 15821-15832 (Front Cover Page Article) AND
This work is featured in Nature India  (


5. Kathakali Sarkar, Saswata Chakrabarty, Deepro Bonnerjee, Sangram Bagh* (2021), Distributed Computing with Engineered Bacteria and Its Application in Solving Chemically Generated 2 × 2 Maze Problems, ACS Synthetic Biology, 10 (10), 2456-2464 (This work is featured in MIT Technology Review,  ( and in multiple international science/technology news media

6. Sayak Mukhopadhyay, and Sangram Bagh* (2020). “A Microgravity Responsive Synthetic Genetic Device in Escherichia Coli.”  Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol. 167, Nov. 2020, p. 112462. , IF: 10.257

7.  Mukhopadhyay, S, Sarkar, K, Srivastava, R, Pal, A, Bagh, S. (2020) Processing two environmental chemical signals with a synthetic genetic IMPLY gate, a 2‐input‐2‐output integrated logic circuit, and a process pipeline to optimize its systems chemistry in Escherichia coli. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2020; 1– 11. 

8. Deepro Bonnerjee, Sayak Mukhopadhyay and Sangram Bagh* (2019) Design, Fabrication, and Device Chemistry of a 3-Input-3-Output Synthetic Genetic Combinatorial Logic Circuit with a 3-Input AND Gate in a Single Bacterial Cell, Bioconjugate Chemistry,  30, 12, 3013-30207  (Front cover page article

9. Kathakali Sarkar, Sayak Mukhopadhyay, Deepro Bonnerjee, Rajkamal Srivastava and Sangram Bagh*(2019) A frame-shifted gene, which rescued its function by non-natural start codons and its application in constructing synthetic gene circuits. Journal of Biological Engineering, 2019 13:20

10. P Majumder, K Roy, S Bagh, D Mukhopadhyay (2019) Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) consociate in regulatory clusters in Alzheimer’s disease and type 2 diabetes Molecular and cellular biochemistry, 1-12 doi: 10.1007/s11010-019-03560-5

11. Raktim Roy, Phani P Shilpaand Sangram Bagh* (2016) A Systems Biology Analysis Unfolds the Molecular Pathways and Networks of Two Proteobacteria in Spaceflight and Simulated Microgravity Conditions, Astrobiology, 16, 677–689 * corresponding author  (This work is highlighted as a high impact article by the editorial board of the Astrobiology)   

12. Shounal Baksi , Sangram Bagh, Sandip Sarkar  and Debashis Mukhopadhyay D (2016) Systemic study of a natural feedback loop in Huntington's disease at the onset of neurodegeneration.  Biosystems 150, 46-51

13.  Sayak Mukhopadhyay, Rohini Saha, Anbarasi Palanisamy, Madhurima Ghosh, Anupriya Biswas,Saheli Roy, Arijit Pal, Kathakali Sarkar and Sangram Bagh* (2016) A systems biology pipeline identifies new immune and disease related molecular signatures and networks in human cells during microgravity exposure, Scientific Reports, 6:25975, DOI: .1038/srep25975, IF: 4.249.  (This work is highlighted in Nature India, May 2016 and Times of India)

14.  Sangram Bagh, (2016) Reprogramming living cells with an engineering language, Physics News, 46, 43-52 (Invited review article)
 Book Chapters

1.  Kathakali Sarkar and Sangram Bagh (2022), Synthetic Gene Circuits for Higher Order Information Processing, in New Frontiers and Applications of Synthetic Biology, Edited by : V. Singh, Academic Press. Elsevier. 372-92

2.      Deepro Bonnerjee and Sangram Bagh (2021), Application of CRISPR-Cas systems in neuroscience, Advances in CRISPR/Cas and Related Technologies, Edited by: D. Ghosh, Academic Press. Elsevier. 231-64


Last Updated on Friday, 11 April 2014 19:21
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