Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India
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Nuclear Physics

Dr. Akashrup Banerjee

Associate Professor
Room No : 208 and FRENA S-2
Ext. : 1208, 4700
Email id : akashrup.banerjee[AT]
Division :
Centre :
  • Convenor of Facility Management Committee for FRENA, SINP.
  • Recipient of RSE Saltire International Collaboration Award and SERB-SRG grant.
  • Post-Doctorate fellow (2019-2022) at GSI, Germany with the Nuclear Spectroscopy Group. Worked as co-ordinator of the FATIMA (FAst TIMing Array) project for radioactive ion beam experiments.
  • Research Associate (accepted:2021) at FRIB, USA. Remotely worked with the Nuclear Astrophysics group for detector development program in experiments with radioactive ion beams.
  • PhD from University of Delhi (Department of Physics and Astrophysics), specializing in Nuclear Instrumentation, Accelerator-based Nuclear Spectroscopy and Detector Development.

Publication list:


Last Updated on Friday, 11 April 2014 19:21
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