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  • Contact:- Ayan Kumar Patra(Theory; Room-3319, Ext:- 3319), Deepro Bonnerjee(BSG; Ext:-4629) Email:- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

                                                           Rules and Guidelines

    Rules and Guidelines for photographs:

    We allow and encourage all types of photography. We love to see new photography and watch our members experiment with creative styles and techniques. We are device agnostic, happy to see images from full-frame DSLRs, film cameras, smartphones, and others. Our biggest ask is that the photos stay true to your personal vision and to what you saw. Please avoid heavy-handed processing. We want to see the world through your eyes, not through the excessive use of editing tools. If the photograph is manipulated, please describe your process in the caption. Below are some basic photo guidelines.

    1. Only one entry per person will be allowed.
    2. Each image submitted must be the original work of the participant who must also be its    
        copyright owner.
    3. No selfies please.
    4. Soft copies should be preferably in high quality JPEG format. It should be submitted in highest possible resolution (preferably 5400X3600 px).
    5. Photographs will be printed in the size 18 inch x 12 inch. We reserve the right to be lenient for exceptional cases (panorama etc.).
    6. Cropping is allowed, but composing the image in-camera is encouraged.
    7. All entries have to be related to any one of the themes
    8. Decision made by Artery will be final.

    Some additional detailed suggestions for the enthusiasts are given below:
    CAPTION: We insist on truth in captioning and expect full disclosure in the story behind
    the photo. The description should be complete and accurate. Not only does this establish trust and lend greater credibility to your photo, but it also increases the engagement of the viewer.
    WATERMARKS: Your Shot always credits the author of a photo whenever and wherever it appears on the site, along with providing a link to the author's profile. Because of this, there's no need to watermark your photo. A small and subtle watermark is allowed but not encouraged—we want to see your photograph without any distractions.
    BURNING AND DODGING: Brightening or darkening specific areas in an image is allowed but should be kept to a minimum and not done to the point where it is obvious. Your goal in using digital darkroom techniques should only be to adjust the dynamic tonal range and color balance of an image so that it more closely resembles what you saw and communicates the mood of the scene.
    STITCHED PANORAMAS: These are allowed only if the segments were all made within the same time frame. Don't create panoramas with sections made at significantly different times. Do not change focal length while creating a stitched image. Do not stretch the meaning of panorama to include elements that weren't in the scene as you saw it. If your photo is a stitched image, please indicate so in the caption.
    COMPOSITE OR HIGH DYNAMIC RANGE (HDR): These shots are allowed only if the combined parts aremade at the same time. Don't submit final images where the foreground was shot at noon and the sky at sunset. If your photo is an HDR image, please indicate this in the caption.
    FILTERS: We allow filters on photographs. We ask that you please include a description of how the style was achieved and which filter or technique was used. Use discretion, however, as overprocessing can often make the photo look cartoonish.

    We support ethical photography that accurately represents cultures, ecosystems, and wildlife. We expect that the welfare of people, animals, and their environments take precedence over photography. In other words, don’t harm or manipulate the subject or its environment for the sake of creating an image.

    Rules and Guidelines for other artworks:
    We will accept paintings (in canvas, framed paper, canvas board etc.) and sculptures for the exhibitions.

    Following are some basic guidelines:
    1. Only one entry per person will be allowed.
    2. The artworks may not be related to the given themes.
    3. The artworks must be installable.
    4. The size of the artwork must not be too big. Before submission, the photograph of the
         artwork has to be sent to the club along with the size/weight of it.
    5. The artist should bring the artwork on the day of exhibition. During the exhibition,       
         safekeeping of the artwork will be responsibility of the club.


Last Updated on Sunday, 21 July 2019 18:46
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