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HD-RNAS: Hierarchical Database of RNA Structures

A Classification Procedure for Functional RNA Crystal Structures

HD-RNAS is a classification of functional RNA structures available in PDB. All the crystal structures of RNA solved at a resolution better than 3.5 angstroms and having at least one RNA chain longer than 9 nucleotides are classified in 9 major functional classes. Each class is further classified according to the source organism from which the RNA molecules were isolated and crystallized.

Presently, HD-RNAS v1.0 contains 1060 crystal structures, containing 3066 RNA chains. The proper source organisms of 62 RNA structures have been revealed by BLAST search that were designated as synthetic in the PDB entries. The non-redundant set of structures consists of 376 PDB entries, indicating the best representative structures from each of the sub-classes based on their resolution and R-factor.

Structural/Functional Classification of 3066 RNA Chains

Authors: Shubhra Sankar Ray, Sukanya Halder, Dhananjay Bhattacharyya
Last modified on: 17-Oct-2012

For details of classification procedure click here

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