seicor: Program to put \*...* properly for bangtex and other such softwares Current version: 2.0 Do seicor -h or seicor -hb for help (after installation). From a file xxx.tex a new file xxx_sei.tex is created (default). There is an option to supply a name for the new file to be created. The new file can then be processed using latex or pdflatex .... INSTALL: Users area: ----------- Copy the program in your home directory in a place you like (e.g. $HOME/bin or $HOME/texmf or $HOME/tex.local etc) Then give execute permission chmod u+x seicor Systemwide installation ----------------------- Needs root privilege. Copy the program in a common place like /usr/local/bin. It may be user-friendly to have this directory in the PATH of all users. then give read and execute permission to others: cd /usr/local/bin (or wherever copied) chmod a+rx seicor That's it! History ------- 26 Nov 2005; Major changes: original spaces kept intact requirement of reserved characters removed. This is version 2.0 18 Oct 2005; tex command protection added e.g. \verb+Ami+ not treated. 12 Oct 2005: First version released. 31 Aug 2005: First version of seicor used successfully for one sorgo of meghnadbodh kabya sometime in 2004: a rudimentary program developed that worked