I'm Amit Ghosh — a theoretical physicist at SINP.
Since the world is a homogeneous 3-brane, there is no point to travel.
I like to read, write, cook, watch, think, chat and listen to people who plan to change the world.
If for some reason you want to know more about my interests, see below.

Here, I share a dialogue with you.

Then Swetaketu asked Maharshi, Lord! Who is a good King? Maharshi replied,
- Who can encourage and motivate people to do their work.
- Who recognises and respects the people who offer their services for the kingdom.
- Who protects the kingdom and its people in every possible way.
- Who puts common interests and needs of the kingdom ahead of his own ones.
- Who has integrity.
- Who has clear goals and vision.
- Who sets up good examples by his own acts.
- Who can communicate well.

Swetaketu asked, Lord! Is it not that a King has to be a famous and well known person in the kingdom? Maharshi Said,
Son! It is secondary. Please note, not everybody can be a King but a King can come from anywhere.

Read: Mail, ArXiv, Spires, Math, SINP Newsletter, SINP Library, CERN News, Particle Data, Anandabajar, Samachar, Medical Advises, DIY
Write: USA (Paulami has written these pages)
Cook: Bengali Recipe, All Recipe
Watch: Weather, SBI, Salt Lake, New Town, Compare Products, GOI, Time, Google